If you have an Interior or Exterior Painting project that you need to have completed in the Suwanee area, you want to make sure that you work with a professional painting contractor that stands behind their work.
Skip Deposits and Prepayments With Freeland Painting
At Freeland Painting, we believe that our high-quality work speaks for itself. That’s why we never require our valued customers to pay a deposit or prepay for work that isn’t complete. In fact, it’s our policy only to accept payment once the entire project gets finished to our customer’s complete satisfaction.
Why Do We Do Things This Way?
With almost 20 years of experience serving the Greater Suwannee area, we’ve built our reputation by providing stellar painting services to our residential customers. By not accepting deposits or prepayments for work, we are building trust. When we have a job to do, we do it. Without a prepayment.
Skip the “Fly By Night” and Independent Contractors
We know that most homeowners are interested in getting the best deal on painting services. However, sometimes the best ‘deal’ doesn’t offer outstanding value. Many “Fly by Night” Painting Companies and Independent Contractors require that their customers make upfront deposits or Prepayments. As the project progresses, they’ll ask for additional funds to cover the expenses for gas, transportation costs or extra materials.
These types of contractors often offer attractive, ‘too good to be true’ pricing on painting services. While the initial deposit or prepayment amount is small, over the course of the project the unexpected requests for funds start to add up! What appeared to be a good deal suddenly begins to lose its luster. And what’s even worse is if they do a shoddy job to boot.
As an established contracting business, we have enough free cash flow to pay for these costs without having our clients pay for the job first. When we make a free, no-obligation quote to complete your painting job, it includes everything. We set ourselves above the kind of painting companies that solicit their customers for money they don’t deserve.
What Types Of Painting Jobs Qualify for This Offer?
Our “No Deposit Required” policy is standard for all residential painting contracts.
For Commercial Painting Projects we are happy to negotiate payment terms based on the scope of the project. We will work with project managers to accommodate their deadline and budget.
Freeland Fundamentals Assure A Professional Finish!
Once we finish painting, we don’t stop there! Our expert painting crews go the extra mile to put finishing touches in place to make sure your home looks outstanding!
If it’s time for you to refresh and renew the interior or exterior of your home, give us a call first! We’re excited to offer fast and friendly services for all your painting needs, regardless of how small or big the project is. We can even provide guidance on selecting color schemes that enhance the interior of your space for a warmer ambiance.
Call (678) 679-3126 to discuss your Painting Project with one of our specialists today!